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Welcome to Geoff Hayward's Weblog

Commenting on Java, JavaFX, Java EE, Joomla, and IoT.

You can convert an ArrayList to a Java EE JsonArray using the Java Stream API in the following way.

// set up example
ArrayList<Pet> pets = new ArrayList<>();
pets.add(new Pet("Goldie", "Fish"));
pets.add(new Pet("Daisy", "Cow"));
pets.add(new Pet("Snowball", "Cat"));

// the work
	.map((a) -> { 
		return Json.createObjectBuilder()
			.add("id", a.getName())
			.add("type", a.getGroup())

The .map operation of the stream API takes a Function<T,R>. The function converts each item to a JsonObject. Then the .collect operation creates the JsonArray using each of the JsonObjects.

I hope you find this useful.


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