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Internet Explorer, before version nine, did not cope with media queries, however, there is no need to duplicate your CSS stylesheets. If you need a good tip on how best to deal with Internet Explorer when it comes to CSS media queries - in the context of maintenance - then this short article will help.

CSS - the Need for Good Maintenance

Most of us know that if we get the ground work right during the development stage of a project the maintenance will be noticeably easier - not just with CSS. In fact small changes that should take five minutes can take hours on a project that either rushed or skipped the groundwork stage.

The Problem

When the project includes the use of media queries as the mechanism for enabling responsive layouts - it can be tempting to duplicate everything minus the media queries for the older versions of Internet Explorer. That is fine but this approach forks the stylesheets. Once it is time to make changes to the styles, it becomes difficult to guarantee synchronisation across the fork.

The other issue is: you are sending out a duplication set of CSS rules to Internet Explorer. That makes for an extra volume of bandwidth being used that can and should be avoided.

The Solution

First, spilt the CSS styles into two files - this may seem counter intuitive as this does create an extra hit to the server but in the context of maintenance I believe it is worth it. With proper caching, the second hit only happens once.

Once split, name the staylsheets something like: reset-generic-queries.css and large.css. You may see where I am going with this!

In the first stylesheet put your CSS resets, followed by your generic CSS rules such as the projects typography, and then your media query groups.

Finally, without any media queries put your large screen style rules in the stylesheet named 'large'.

You should have two CSS files structured something like this:

/* resets */

/* typography */

/* elements */

/* helpers */

/* small screen */
@media all and (max-width: 480px){


/* medium screen */
@media all and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 940px) {


For the 'reset-generic-queries.css' file; and

/* large screen */

For the 'large.css' file.

Once you have your CSS across two stylesheets, in a similar manner you can establish zero duplication in your styles without difficulty. The magic, now, of zero duplication is in how you link the stylesheets to the main document.

<link media="all" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="reset-generic-queries.css" />
<link media="all and (min-width: 940px)" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href=" large.css " />
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
	<link media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=" large.css" />

As you can see, the first stylesheet labled 'reset-generic-queries' is linked as normal. The second stylesheet uses an in-line media query so that it is used only by screens large enough, in combination with an 'IF IE' for Internet Explorer support.

Internet Explorer (older IE) will not see the embedded media queries in the first stylesheet but will see your resets CSS rules and your generic CSS rules as they are not wrapped in a query. Internet Explorer will not download the stylesheet linked with an in-line media query but will download the same stylesheet using its own 'IF IE' query - therefore Internet Explorer renders all of the CSS that is meant for a large screen.

All the other browsers (and new IE) will read your resets CSS rules, your generic CSS rules, and the rules most appropriate to the screen size currently displaying your responsive layouts.


When using CSS media queries, you can cut out the need for duplication in your CSS. There is no need to duplicate CSS just to make Internet Explore continue to work with your otherwise responsive layouts. All you need to do is be clever in how you organise your styles and link your styles to the main document. This short article has outlined an approach to do this so that zero duplication can be achieved with media queries and this will make your CSS more maintainable in the long term.

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Tables have a habit of creeping into every other web development project. Finding a way to make them responsive has been a big issue and a hot topic this year. In this article a new way to make tables responsive has been explored and quite possibly a good solution has been found.

Let's Rule Out JavaScript in Making a Table Responsive

Why rule out JavaScript? JavaScript is a great wagon when it comes to progressive enhancements. The problem with JavaScript is it is not always available. If a table has been used in a project there is a good reason behind why it has been used. This is normally because the data is well suited to a table layout - or in other words it is tabular data.

You can choose to try and fix it with JavaScript, however, in this case you have to accept that some visitors will see a broken looking layout. As a Client-side Web Developer you are not doing your job properly if you accept this. Also, when you least expect it, someone will send your client a screen shot, and your client - quite rightly - will demand you fix it.

But First Let's Explore What a Table is

In order to begin to find a candidate solution, we need to understand the problem. We need to start by exploring briefly what the notion of a table is and what a table is used for. The simple answer, of course, is a table is a structure that semantically holds collections of comparable data; and we use tables to present data in such a way that information can be drawn.

This means that for a structure to act as a table it needs to support the concept of columns and of rows. Or otherwise no information can be reliably drawn from the data it holds. A HTML table fits this description perfectly after all it is what it was designed to do - its very name gives that away. The problem is HTML tables do not slim down on small screens. A row remains a row - full stop.

Now we have a good understanding of what the problem is, and while HTML tables fit the description, they do not fit the needs of a responsive layout. This is especially noticeable on mobile phone layouts as I am sure you are aware. This means if we can find an alternative HTML structure that can also fit the description of a table - to semantically holds collections of comparable data and present data in such a way that information can be drawn from it reliably, and fit the needs of a responsive layout then it is definitely worth looking for.

A Responsive Table from a Semantic Combination of HTML Elements

In any document headings (i.e. 'h*' elements) semantically indicate a section of a document. Therefore, an 'h*' element also makes a great contender as a row heading.

<h3>Row 1</h3>

By wrapping each row into an unordered list, we can begin to make a relationship between rows. You may ask what about the table's columns, and the column's headings? Definition lists, if structured well, make this possible - as shown below:

<ul class="responsive-table">
	<li class="first-row">
    	<h3>Row 1</h3>
            <dt>Heading 1</dt>
            <dt>Heading 2</dt>
            <dt>Heading 3</dt>
            <dt>Heading 4</dt>
    	<h3>Row 2</h3>
            <dt>Heading 1</dt>
            <dt>Heading 2</dt>
            <dt>Heading 3</dt>
            <dt>Heading 4</dt>
    	<h3>Row 3</h3>
            <dt>Heading 1</dt>
            <dt>Heading 2</dt>
            <dt>Heading 3</dt>
            <dt>Heading 4</dt>

As you can see, column headings are made constant for each item of each row. This thus creating continuity between each row and therefore, information can reliably be drawn from the data held in the semantic structure - fitting the description of a table. I believe that screen readers would also read this out in a way that makes the table's information attainable.

With a preconception of what a table looks like in a browser you may think that example 1 does not look very table like yet. However, I am sure you will agree information can be drawn from it in the same way that fits the discretion of a table.

At this point you can also see how it can easily take up less width to display - even without any styling.

Let's Style Our Responsive Table to Look Like a Table

Before we move on into the table, we need to fix up the containing unordered list and reset the margin, padding, line height and font-size of the 'ul', 'h*', 'dl', and the 'dd' elements. Once done, we need to make every definition list and h* elements sit next to each other both on the x-axes and on the y-axes. We can do this using the CSS's 'float: left' in combination with percentage widths. You can target each column width with classes if you like, as a proof of concept, I will keep this simple with a 20% width for row headings and 20% width for each column.

The trick to making it look like a normal table on a screen that is large enough to display a normal table is to use the first row's column headings. The conflict is, we do not wish to show any of the other row's headings in this layout. We will do this by making all 'dt' elements invisible except for the first row's 'dt' elements. Finally, the first row of the table needs the 'h*' element's padding at the top to be equivalent line height of the column headings: this gives the correct vertical alignment to the row's heading.

.responsive-table {
.responsive-table ,
.responsive-table h3,
.responsive-table dl,
.responsive-table dd{
	font-size: 1em;
.responsive-table li{
.responsive-table h3,
.responsive-table dl{
.responsive-table .first-row h3{
.responsive-table dt{
.responsive-table .first-row dt{

You will now see a table that also fits our preconception of what a table should look like in example 2.

Let's Style Our Responsive Table to Fit on Small Screens

For a small screen set the break point of your media query to the place that makes the most sense to the data inside of your table. For this demo I have chosen 600 pixels. For this layout all you need to do is set the 'td' and 'dl' elements to float.

Here is all of the CSS for each layout of the responsive table:

.responsive-table {
.responsive-table ,
.responsive-table h3,
.responsive-table dl,
.responsive-table dd{
	font-size: 1em;
.responsive-table li{
	padding:5px 0 0; 
.responsive-table dt{
@media all and (max-width:600px){
	.responsive-table dt,
	.responsive-table dd{
@media all and (min-width:600px){
	.responsive-table h3,
	.responsive-table dl{
	.responsive-table .first-row h3{
	.responsive-table dt{
	.responsive-table .first-row dt{

Please see example 3. To get the best idea of how this looks and works, resize IE9 and up or any other browser on a large screen.

A Tip Worth Noting

If you need to give the table heading a background colour, apply the colour to the unordered list and set the list items back to their intended colour.


With an open way of thinking about what a table is and how else we can construct a table with HTML this approach to a responsive table works. The CSS to present it is very light-weight and much more agile than its HTML table counterpart. What do you think?


This solution was co-developed by Neal Stammers and myself.


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